The Full Story
Afghan Peace Foundation was established in August 2019.
Our Services were mainly delivered inside Afghanistan.
Our area of services originally were;
Education for Women and girls
Emergency/ Crisis Appeal
Our first biggest completed project inside Afghanistan was rebuild of school for girls and female teachers to return to school.
The second school project was signed with Afghanistan department of Education, but unfortunately with fall of Afghanistan, we had to stop serving inside the country.
Afghan Peace Foundation restructured its constitution and currently provides the following services in Australia for Refugees.
Employment and Leadership Program
Refugees Settlement program
Mental Health programs
Seniors' Club
Community Development and Cultural Festivals

Afghan Peace Foundation works with refugees and immigrants, particularly those who have experienced wars and persecution, with a special focus on employment and leadership, settlement, mental health, seniors betterment and community development.
our mission is to improve their quality of life and to promote their social and economic inclusion in order to enable them to become contributing members of society and to live in dignity.
Refugees and immigrants, especially those who have experienced wars and persecution, leading self-sufficient and dignified lives in a socially inclusive society